This practical, resourceful and spunky little girl is one awesome heroine to work with!

This is one cool croc who loves to play in the creek with his bushy friends after school.

Hobbies include diving and zooming across the sky so fast, all you can see is a rainbow swirl!

Ah, this guy is super chilled. He likes to move at his own pace, snoozing occasionally in-between. He is known for his gigantic yawns.

This busy cockatoo is a medico-messenger who always comes to get Bush Nurse when the animals ‘out back’ need help.

Likes to have fun, especially if it means scaling a Eucalyptus tree at top speed at lunch time.

Intrepid explorer and adventurer, Tuffy is never far from the action.

Cool, calm and collected is this lovely Koala.

Hobbies include high jump, long jump, and any other sort of jump. He also likes to thump his feet and tail loudly to any sort of funky beat.